Fintraffic Parking is one of the solutions to tackle urban regions growing population and traffic by encouraging citizens to leave their cars outside of the most congested areas and continuing their trip with public transportation. Fintraffic Parking service contains all the important information about parking facilities and their services near public transportation hubs. The application is used by Fintraffic, public transport operators, parking operators, roadside displays and third party applications. All data is provided free of charge under the CC BY 4.0 license.
API follows REST conventions roughly. Resources are divided into collection and item URLs. Collection resources typically accept GET-parameters for filtering, paging and sorting items. Reading data uses GET-method and doesn’t require authorization - except for user management. Restricted modifications use either POST on collection-URL for creating new items and PUT on item URL for updates.
DELETE is not directly supported currently but the goal is achieved using e.g. a status field. However, if sometime in the future we need to delete something for reason or another, please prepare for 404 on a resource that has previously returned a result.
Somewhat contrary to strict REST ideology we provide all dependent (deep) information directly from
item URLs. You need not get basic relations using nested calls.
Shared resources are referenced using IDs (not URIs), and until HATEOAS-type links are implemented
one needs to know and construct URIs using templates in order get details of such shared resources
(e.g. operator or contacts).
For most cases there exists an ID-based filtering parameter (ids
) for collection URLs
that allow getting basic information of all referred resources with single request.
Changes to the API
We aim to develop the API in a backwards compatible manner, i.e. features are only added while maintaining old semantics. However, we appreciate your feedback and will take it into account in future development. In the end, this may lead to a need to refactor the APIs. Unless such a breaking change is due to some critical security related issue, we will give you a warning about it well in advance. To receive announcements of coming changes, please use Digitraffic Google Groups: https://groups.google.com/g/roaddigitrafficfi.
Swagger documentation
Swagger documentation of API can be found in https://parking.fintraffic.fi/swagger/
Fintraffic Parking will soon be available as an Open Source project in GitHub.
Most API-features are used by the Park and Ride maintenance UI
Upcoming features can be tested in https://parking-test.fintraffic.fi/
Source code is licensed under EUPL licenses.
General Features
Mutable operations require authentication using the Authorization
header as shown in the following example.
The value is the string Bearer
followed by the API user’s token. Operators can create API users and tokens for them through the user administration page.
PUT /api/v1/facilities/100/utilization HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authentication is not needed for read-only (GET) methods. |
Usage tracking
API usage is tracked by logging all incoming requests per application. To enable tracking for your specific application’s
needs, please include the Digitraffic-User
header in your requests. The header values must match the following
pattern: [a-zA-Z0-9_\-\./]{3,20}
. If no header is specified, the request will still be logged with null
application id.
For example, the web user interface uses liipi-ui
as its identifier.
GET /api/v1/facilities HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Liipi-Application-Id: liipi-ui
Supported Formats
Both JSON and GeoJSON (Feature/FeatureCollection) are supported for facilities and hubs. In JSON format locations are provided using GeoJSON Geometries (Point or Polygon). GeoJSON’s feature centric view contains only basic metadata of given entity.
Required format is specified either with .json
or .geojson
suffix or by using Accept
header with
or application/vnd.geo+json
$ curl 'https://parking.fintraffic.fi/api/v1/facilities.json' -i -X GET
$ curl 'https://parking.fintraffic.fi/api/v1/facilities.geojson' -i -X GET
$ curl 'https://parking.fintraffic.fi/api/v1/facilities' -i -X GET \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ curl 'https://parking.fintraffic.fi/api/v1/hubs' -i -X GET \
-H 'Accept: application/geo+json;charset=UTF-8'
If no suffix or Accept
header is given, JSON is used by default.
$ curl 'https://parking.fintraffic.fi/api/v1/facilities' -i -X GET
General Search Features
While simple listings (e.g. enums) may return arrays of values directly, searches return results
that are wrapped within an object. This result object has boolean field hasMore
that indicates whether
or not there’s more result rows available:
"results": [...]
"hasMore": false
Limiting result size is done via limit
and offset
Limit defines the maximum number of items to be returned and offset the zero-based index of
the first row to be returned. Use negative value for limit
to get all the results.
Ordering of result items is done via sort.by
and sort.dir
Allowed values of sort.by
is resource dependent but typically
at least name.fi
, name.sv
and name.en
are supported.
Direction is given as ASC
$ curl 'https://parking.fintraffic.fi/api/v1/facilities?limit=10&offset=4&sort.by=name.fi&sort.dir=ASC' -i -X GET
Parking data is localized in Finnish, Swedish and English.
Localized fields are represented as objects with fi
, sv
and en
"name": {
"fi": "Nimi",
"sv": "Namn",
"en": "Name"
Optional localized fields are either null
or localized for all supported languages.
For example missing (optional) info:
"info": null
None of the textual fields may contain HTML-markup, and must be escaped before rendering. |
Fintraffic Parking utilizes enumerated values for much of it’s metadata. Current value-sets are available via REST.
Capacity type defines different kind of parking slot types:
GET /api/v1/capacity-types HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Usage specifies the purpose of the capacity. See Capacity.
GET /api/v1/usages HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Day type is a rough categorization of day types with different opening hours and/or pricing:
GET /api/v1/day-types HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Authentication methods available in a facility:
GET /api/v1/authentication-methods HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Services provided by a facility:
GET /api/v1/services HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Payment methods accepted by a facility:
GET /api/v1/payment-methods HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Facility status indicates whether the facility is operating normally or is exceptionally closed. See Status.
GET /api/v1/facility-statuses HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Pricing method is a shortcut for maintaining actual facility pricing information. See Pricing.
GET /api/v1/pricing-methods HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
All facilities are operated by an operator. Operator can be listed with:
GET /api/v1/operators HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Details of an operator can be fetched with:
GET /api/v1/operators/100 HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Summary of Operator Model
Path | Type | Description |
Contact ID: |
Localized name |
The region that operator resides |
Facilities have emergency, operator and service contacts, where the two first are mandatory and service contact optional. Contacts are either general,
maintained by Fintraffic and shared by all operators, or operator specific. Operator specific contacts have
GET /api/v1/contacts HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
{"results":[{"id":1,"name":{"fi":"TEST 0082","sv":"TEST 0082","en":"TEST 0082"},"operatorId":null,"phone":"09 47664000","email":"test@example.com","address":{"streetAddress":{"fi":"street","sv":"street","en":"street"},"postalCode":"00100","city":{"fi":"city","sv":"city","en":"city"}},"openingHours":{"fi":"opening hours","sv":"opening hours","en":"opening hours"},"info":{"fi":"info","sv":"info","en":"info"}},{"id":2,"name":{"fi":"TEST 0083","sv":"TEST 0083","en":"TEST 0083"},"operatorId":null,"phone":"09 47664000","email":"test@example.com","address":{"streetAddress":{"fi":"street","sv":"street","en":"street"},"postalCode":"00100","city":{"fi":"city","sv":"city","en":"city"}},"openingHours":{"fi":"opening hours","sv":"opening hours","en":"opening hours"},"info":{"fi":"info","sv":"info","en":"info"}},{"id":3,"name":{"fi":"TEST 0084","sv":"TEST 0084","en":"TEST 0084"},"operatorId":null,"phone":"09 47664000","email":"test@example.com","address":{"streetAddress":{"fi":"street","sv":"street","en":"street"},"postalCode":"00100","city":{"fi":"city","sv":"city","en":"city"}},"openingHours":{"fi":"opening hours","sv":"opening hours","en":"opening hours"},"info":{"fi":"info","sv":"info","en":"info"}}],"hasMore":false}
Contacts can be searched with optional ids
[0..n] and operatorId
[0..1] parameters:
GET /api/v1/contacts?ids=101&ids=102 HTTP/1.1
GET /api/v1/contacts?operatorId=42 HTTP/1.1
Contact details can fetched by id:
GET /api/v1/contacts/1 HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
{"id":1,"name":{"fi":"TEST 0058","sv":"TEST 0058","en":"TEST 0058"},"operatorId":null,"phone":"09 47664000","email":"test@example.com","address":{"streetAddress":{"fi":"street","sv":"street","en":"street"},"postalCode":"00100","city":{"fi":"city","sv":"city","en":"city"}},"openingHours":{"fi":"opening hours","sv":"opening hours","en":"opening hours"},"info":{"fi":"info","sv":"info","en":"info"}}
Summary of Contacts Model
Path | Type | Description |
Contact ID: |
Localized name |
Contact operator ID: |
Email address (OPTIONAL) |
Phone number (OPTIONAL) |
Contact address (OPTIONAL) |
Localized street name (OPTIONAL) |
Postal code (OPTIONAL) |
Localized city name (OPTIONAL) |
Localized opening hours (OPTIONAL) |
Localized information (OPTIONAL) |
Search Facilities
Facility collection resource allows filtering returned items by status, ids and location. These parameters can be mixed and matched to suite your use-case.
By Status
Use multi-valued statuses
parameter to filter by status, e.g. only facilities that are
GET /api/v1/facilities?statuses=IN_OPERATION&statuses=EXCEPTIONAL_SITUATION HTTP/1.1
For status details, e.g. information about EXCEPTIONAL_SITUATION, see statusDescription
By Ids
Sometimes you know IDs of multiple facilities and want to get their basic information as
quickly as possible. This is the case with hubs, that only know the facilityIds
related facilities. Multi-valued ids
-parameter is made for just this:
GET /api/v1/facilities?ids=11&ids=12 HTTP/1.1
Spatial Search
Facilities have a location
that is a Polygon in WGS84 (or EPSG:4326) projection.
Facilities can be searched using WKT-formatted
query parameter.
Supported geometry types are
You may test spatial searches with Search Demo.
Within Shape
If only geometry
is specified, facilities whose location overlaps with it are returned.
GET /api/v1/facilities?geometry=POLYGON((25.011942+60.251343,25.011717+60.250454,25.013487+60.250848,25.011942+60.251343)) HTTP/1.1
Within Max Distance
If maxDistance
(double) is specified along side geometry
then facilities whose location
is within given max distance (meters) are returned.
GET /api/v1/facilities?geometry=POLYGON((25.011942+60.251343,25.011717+60.250454,25.013487+60.250848,25.011942+60.251343))&maxDistance=123.45 HTTP/1.1
Summary of Matching Facilities
An existence of a special parameter named summary
transforms results into a summary of matched
facilities. This summary consists of facilityCount
and sum of capacity by type.
GET /api/v1/facilities?summary=true HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Facility Details
GET /api/v1/facilities/100 HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
{"id":100,"name":{"fi":"Facility 0113","sv":"Facility 0113","en":"Facility 0113"},"location":{"crs":{"type":"name","properties":{"name":"EPSG:4326"}},"bbox":[25.010822,60.250023,25.012479,60.250885],"coordinates":[[[25.010822,60.25054],[25.010822,60.250023],[25.012479,60.250337],[25.011449,60.250885],[25.010822,60.25054]]],"type":"Polygon"},"operatorId":100,"type":"CAR","status":"EXCEPTIONAL_SITUATION","pricingMethod":"CUSTOM","statusDescription":{"fi":"Status description","sv":"Status description","en":"Status description"},"softDeletedAt":null,"builtCapacity":{"ELECTRIC_CAR":2,"CAR":50},"usages":["PARK_AND_RIDE"],"services":["LIGHTING","COVERED","SURVEILLANCE_CAMERAS"],"authenticationMethods":[],"surveyOptions":[],"pricing":[{"usage":"PARK_AND_RIDE","capacityType":"CAR","maxCapacity":50,"dayType":"SATURDAY","time":{"from":"08","until":"18"},"price":{"fi":"2 EUR/H","sv":"2 EUR/H","en":"2 EUR/H"},"priceExtra":null,"priceOther":null},{"usage":"PARK_AND_RIDE","capacityType":"CAR","maxCapacity":50,"dayType":"SUNDAY","time":{"from":"08","until":"18"},"price":{"fi":"1 EUR/H","sv":"1 EUR/H","en":"1 EUR/H"},"priceExtra":null,"priceOther":null},{"usage":"PARK_AND_RIDE","capacityType":"ELECTRIC_CAR","maxCapacity":2,"dayType":"SATURDAY","time":{"from":"08","until":"18"},"price":{"fi":"2 EUR/H","sv":"2 EUR/H","en":"2 EUR/H"},"priceExtra":null,"priceOther":null}],"paymentInfo":{"detail":{"fi":"Payment details","sv":"Payment details","en":"Payment details"},"url":{"fi":"http://www.hsl.fi","sv":"http://www.hsl.fi","en":"http://www.hsl.fi"},"paymentMethods":[]},"openingHours":{"openNow":false,"byDayType":{"SUNDAY":{"from":"08","until":"18"},"SATURDAY":{"from":"08","until":"18"}},"liipyByDayType":{"SUNDAY":{"from":"08","until":"18"},"SATURDAY":{"from":"08","until":"18"}},"info":{"fi":"Opening Hours","sv":"Opening Hours","en":"Opening Hours"},"url":{"fi":"http://www.hsl.fi","sv":"http://www.hsl.fi","en":"http://www.hsl.fi"}},"unavailableCapacities":[{"capacityType":"CAR","usage":"PARK_AND_RIDE","capacity":1},{"capacityType":"ELECTRIC_CAR","usage":"PARK_AND_RIDE","capacity":0}],"aliases":["alias","blias"],"ports":[{"location":{"crs":{"type":"name","properties":{"name":"EPSG:4326"}},"bbox":[25.010822,60.25054,25.010822,60.25054],"coordinates":[25.010822,60.25054],"type":"Point"},"entry":true,"exit":false,"pedestrian":true,"bicycle":false,"address":{"streetAddress":{"fi":"street","sv":"street","en":"street"},"postalCode":"00100","city":{"fi":"city","sv":"city","en":"city"}},"info":{"fi":"info","sv":"info","en":"info"}}],"contacts":{"emergency":1,"operator":2,"service":3},"deletedAt":null,"modifiedAt":null}
Path | Type | Description |
Facility ID: |
Localized name |
Facility location, GeoJSON Polygon |
Facility operator ID: |
Status, one of |
Pricing method, one of |
Localized description of status (OPTIONAL) |
Built capacity by CapacityType, may be split or shared by different Usage types as defined by pricing |
Read-only summary of distinct pricing rows' usages |
Usage type, one of |
Capacity type, one of |
Max capacity |
Day type, one of |
Start time |
End time |
Localized description of price (OPTIONAL) |
Description of extra price after a certain hour (OPTIONAL) |
Description of other price than Liipi (OPTIONAL) |
Unavailable capacity type |
Unavailable usage |
Unavailable capacity |
Alternative labels, list of strings |
Port location, GeoJSON Point |
Entry for cars |
Exit for cars |
Entry/exit by foot |
Entry/exit for bicycles |
Port address (OPTIONAL) |
Localized port info (OPTIONAL) |
List of services provided, |
Emergency contact ID, |
Operator contact ID, |
Service contact ID, |
Localized details of payment options (OPTIONAL) |
Localized link to payment options (OPTIONAL) |
Allowed payment methods |
Options for survey |
The type of the facility. E.g. car, bicycle, car and commercial |
Authentication methods of the facility |
Read-only summary of whether the facility is open right now |
Read-only summary of pricing rows' opening hours |
Read-only summary of liipy type pricing rows' opening hours |
Localized info about opening hours (OPTIONAL) |
Localized link to opening hours info (OPTIONAL) |
Read-only timestamp of soft delete |
Read-only timestamp of delete |
Read-only timestamp of last modification |
The status of a facility indicates whether the facility is operating normally or not.
Facility is operating normally and is open according to the regular opening hours. See the facility’s
field to find out whether the facility is open right now. INACTIVE
Facility has been decommissioned or has not yet been opened.
Facility is currently closed, ignoring the opening hours, but will be opened again in near future.
There is something exceptional happening, but the facility is still open. For example one gate or floor is closed, but the rest of the facility is working normally. See the
field for an explanation of what is happening.
Facilities have built capacity for different types of vehicles. This capacity may be divided for different purposes (usage). At the time of writing this document, we have identified three different usage types.
Subsidized parking slots for commuters and other people to continue their travel by public transport. Not allowed for other people (e.g. visiting a nearby shop by foot). Typically free or very low cost. Example: open field next to a train station.
Normal parking facility without restrictions for purpose of use. Normal price.
This option is deprecated. Usage is set automatically to PARK_AND_RIDE when trying to save utilization with this option See Utilization.
Fintraffic Parking facility model supports basic pricing use cases: by capacityType
, usage
, dayType
and time
(of day).
There may be limitations to maxCapacity
available for different usage types when comparing to builtCapacity.
There are no overlapping pricing rows and full opening hours are accounted.
Time is an interval of hh[:mm]
- hour of day (00-24) and optional minute (00-59).
Actual prices are described as localized text, while null price means that parking is free-of-charge.
Additional pricing details may be found following paymentInfo.url
(localized) link or as text
from paymentInfo.detail
As there are many free 24 hours a day, 7 days a week parking facilities near public transportation hubs,
there exists a short cut for that: pricingMethod
with value PARK_AND_RIDE_247_FREE
However, even in this case all implied pricing rows are accounted for all specified buildCapacity
Unavailable Capacity
Temporarily unavailable capacity is defined in unavailableCapacities
with at most one entry
for capacityType-usage pair. This should be discounted from pricing[].maxCapacity
This information is mainly useful for facilities from which there is no dynamic utilization information available. Otherwise one should refer to utilization and prediction. |
If available, the latest known number of available parking places is reported.
GET /api/v1/facilities/100/utilization HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Path | Type | Description |
The facility |
The capacity type |
The usage |
When this information was last updated |
Number of available parking spaces for this facility, capacity type and usage combination |
Number of parking spaces (both reserved and available) for this facility, capacity type and usage combination |
Boolean, true if facility is currently open for given capacityType and usage |
A single facility may contain many different capacity type and usage combinations. This API will show all distinct combinations which have utilization data and which are listed in the facility’s pricing field.
GET /api/v1/facilities/100/utilization HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
There is also an API for retrieving the latest utilization for all facilities with one request.
GET /api/v1/utilizations HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Authenticated operators may update the utilization for their facilities.
In case of network failure, the updater should keep a copy of the utilization snapshots and retry sending them later. It is possible to batch insert multiple utilization snapshots with a single request per facility; just have multiple objects inside the request payload’s top-level JSON array.
The API allows inputting also old utilization data, but to avoid prediction hiccups,
the utilization should be inputted in timestamp order, oldest first.
Utilizations with future timestamps are not allowed.
The timestamps must be in ISO 8601 date time format, with timezone.
The Authorization
and Content-Type
headers are required.
The response reports the latest utilization, same as with a GET request.
$ curl 'https://parking.fintraffic.fi/api/v1/facilities/100/utilization' -i -X PUT \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '[{"capacityType":"CAR","usage":"PARK_AND_RIDE","timestamp":"2025-03-10T12:19:50.624+02:00","spacesAvailable":30,"capacity":50}]'
PUT /api/v1/facilities/100/utilization HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Example of updating the utilization of multiple usage types within the same facility:
PUT /api/v1/facilities/100/utilization HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Utilization predictions are available for all facilities which have enough utilization data history.
The predictions are updated at regular intervals (e.g. 5 min) and they are available for up to 24 hours into the future.
It is possible to query predictions using relative time (after
parameter in hh:mm
format or in minutes)
or absolute time (at
parameter in ISO 8601 date time format).
GET /api/v1/facilities/100/prediction?after=01:30 HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
GET /api/v1/facilities/100/prediction?after=90 HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
GET /api/v1/facilities/100/prediction?at=2025-03-10T13:49:28.710+02:00 HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Facility GeoJSON Example
GeoJSON of a single facility contains only basic information of a facility, not full details:
$ curl 'https://parking.fintraffic.fi/api/v1/facilities/100.geojson' -i -X GET
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/geo+json;charset=UTF-8
{"id":100,"geometry":{"crs":{"type":"name","properties":{"name":"EPSG:4326"}},"bbox":[25.010822,60.250023,25.012479,60.250885],"coordinates":[[[25.010822,60.25054],[25.010822,60.250023],[25.012479,60.250337],[25.011449,60.250885],[25.010822,60.25054]]],"type":"Polygon"},"properties":{"name":{"fi":"Facility 0165","sv":"Facility 0165","en":"Facility 0165"},"status":"EXCEPTIONAL_SITUATION","operatorId":100,"builtCapacity":{"ELECTRIC_CAR":2,"CAR":50},"usages":["PARK_AND_RIDE"],"statusDescription":{"fi":"Status description","sv":"Status description","en":"Status description"}},"type":"Feature"}
GeoJSON FeatureCollection of facilities:
$ curl 'https://parking.fintraffic.fi/api/v1/facilities.geojson' -i -X GET
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/geo+json;charset=UTF-8
{"hasMore":false,"features":[{"id":100,"geometry":{"crs":{"type":"name","properties":{"name":"EPSG:4326"}},"bbox":[25.010822,60.250023,25.012479,60.250885],"coordinates":[[[25.010822,60.25054],[25.010822,60.250023],[25.012479,60.250337],[25.011449,60.250885],[25.010822,60.25054]]],"type":"Polygon"},"properties":{"name":{"fi":"Facility 0153","sv":"Facility 0153","en":"Facility 0153"},"status":"EXCEPTIONAL_SITUATION","operatorId":100,"builtCapacity":{"ELECTRIC_CAR":2,"CAR":50},"usages":["PARK_AND_RIDE"],"statusDescription":{"fi":"Status description","sv":"Status description","en":"Status description"}},"type":"Feature"}],"type":"FeatureCollection"}
Public transportation hubs are places where trains, buses, cars and bicycles converge.
From a hub one may continue to all places reachable via public transportation.
Hubs are named and defined as a location with optional address as well as a list
of facilityIds
that refer to parking facilities that are easily reachable from the hub.
Basic information of those facilities may be searched from the facilities
resource using the ids
or by querying for details of each facility separately.
GET /api/v1/hubs HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Search Hubs
Hubs may be searched by (hub) ids
, facilityIds
and geometry
within optional maxDistance
Spatial Search of hubs works similarly to facilities.
GET /api/v1/hubs?ids=11&ids=12 HTTP/1.1
GET /api/v1/hubs?facilityIds=11&facilityIds=12 HTTP/1.1
GET /api/v1/hubs?geometry=POLYGON((25.011942+60.251343,25.011717+60.250454,25.013487+60.250848,25.011942+60.251343)) HTTP/1.1
GET /api/v1/hubs?geometry=POLYGON((25.011942+60.251343,25.011717+60.250454,25.013487+60.250848,25.011942+60.251343))&maxDistance=123.45 HTTP/1.1
Hub Details
At the time of writing this document there is no structural difference between individual hub resource
) and an item in hubs
collection resource.
GET /api/v1/hubs/1 HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Hub GeoJSON Example
GeoJSON of a single hub:
$ curl 'https://parking.fintraffic.fi/api/v1/hubs/1.geojson' -i -X GET
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/geo+json;charset=UTF-8
GeoJSON FeatureCollection of hubs:
$ curl 'https://parking.fintraffic.fi/api/v1/hubs' -i -X GET \
-H 'Accept: application/geo+json;charset=UTF-8'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/geo+json;charset=UTF-8
Summary of Hub Model
Path | Type | Description |
Hub ID: |
Localized name |
Hub location, GeoJSON Point |
Hub address (OPTIONAL) |
Localized street name (OPTIONAL) |
Postal code (OPTIONAL) |
Localized city name (OPTIONAL) |
A list of facility IDs (number), |
Read-only timestamp of last modification |
Utilization predictions are available for all hubs which have facilities with enough utilization data history. The hubs' predictions are simply sums of the related facilities' predictions.
GET /api/v1/hubs/1/prediction?after=01:30 HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
GET /api/v1/hubs/1/prediction?after=90 HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
GET /api/v1/hubs/1/prediction?at=2025-03-10T13:49:28.819+02:00 HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Use-Case Examples
Fintraffic Parking with a navigator
A navigation app may search for hubs within maxDistance
of 1000 m of the selected route.
A route is defined as a LineString
which is in essence just a list of coorinates.
From the result a list of recommended facilities may be extracted and then
prediction of spaces available at the estimated arrival time.
© Copyright Fintraffic